Our Location in Lewes

Come Visit Us

You can find us in our new professional office space at the Grifasi Professional Center in Lewes, across from the Village of 5 points! There is plenty of non-metered parking available.

Our Address

  • 17425 Ocean One Plaza, Unit 2
  • Lewes, DE 19958

Contact Information

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Our Brands: A Curated Collection

We understand that glasses are an extension of your personality, reflecting your unique style and enhancing your confidence. Our commitment goes beyond just correcting vision—it’s about offering you a distinct selection of frames that are both fashionable and functional.

At L’occhio Eyecare-Eyestyle, we believe in elevating your eyewear experience. That’s why Dr. Grifasi personally curates a unique collection of frames sourced from independent designers and suppliers around the globe.

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